Meet in the parking area south of the gate on Battery Way, just west of the Woodworking School. Remember that a Discover Pass is required to park there. Parking at nearby Madrona Mind Body is available fir those without a DP.
Because COVID is very much with us still we must take the precautions with which we have grown familiar:
-self screen for symptoms of COVID
-wear a mask
-commit to maintaining at least 6’ of space away from others.
Also, we must apply to Washington State Parks for permission to work. This means that all participants must notify me no later than Feb 13 of their wish to sign up so that I may include their names on the applications that I will submit that morning.
The plan is to cut broom in three areas that are spread out along Mule Barn Rd. First, the area between Battery Way West and MBR. Second, the small area immediately west of Building 398, the new maintenance building. And lastly, the area where MBR emerges from the woods, west of Peace Mile trail.
Like the work parties of late last year we will be limited to a total of 20 volunteers and 15 have already signed up. If you are interested in joining us please email me at
Will Barrett - Trail Team Manager