Work Party!

Work Party!

We’ll meet at 9:00, at the Artillery Hill gate (Discover Pass required), then walk to the work area. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water

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Work Party!

Work Party!

We’ll meet at 9:00, at the Artillery Hill gate (Discover Pass required), then walk to the work area. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water

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Work Party!

Work Party!

Meet at Artillery Hill Gate. We’ll drive one, at most two, vehicles with tools, tarps, and as many volunteers as we can fit on board up to the appropriate areas. The terrain will be pretty flat.

Please note: Discover Passes are now required throughout the park. A kiosk to purchase Discover Passes is at the entrance to the park and you can purchase them in person at the park office.

We will supply weed wrenches and a few loppers. Broom stems need to be cut below ground level. Trowels, hori knives, and spades work great for creating access to the stem. Bring loppers, gloves and join the fun. 

There is more and more spurge throughout the park, though the main focus of this day will be broom. But if you want a go at the spurge be sure to wear double gloves (we’ll have some disposable latex gloves) and long sleeves. There will be a mini-lesson on safety and disposal protocols.

We will wrap up work and head back to the parking area no later than 11:30.

Hope you can make it!

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Work Party!

Work Party!

On Tuesday, March 4,  9:00 am, meet south of Alexander’s Castle, behind Bldg 225. We’ll be cutting and pulling small scotch broom on a flat area between Alexander’s Castle and Bldg 225.

 Bring a small trowel or spade for clearing soil away from the stems and loppers for cutting. We’ll have some weed wrenches for those who prefer to wrestle.

 Discover Pass required to park. Work will end no later than 11:30, but stay as long as you wish.

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Work Party!

Work Party!

Park and meet at North Beach County Park at 9:30

Work area: The meadow above North Beach

Bring: loppers, gloves, water, shovels. We’ll provide tools as well.

The meadow has lots of short scotch broom and a smattering of spurge laurel. If you plan to work the laurel bring double gloves and if you want, safety glasses. Long sleeves! (it’s cold enough anyway)

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Work Party!

Work Party!

We’ll meet at 9:30, near the Marine Science Center pier (Discover Pass required), to continue cleanup on the slope behind the Marine Science Center parking lot. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water

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Work Party!

Work Party!

MLK Jr. Day of Service Shoreline Restoration Joint Work Party with PT Marine Science Center. Help restore the Salish Sea shoreline and protect sand verbena moth habitat by pulling out invasive beachgrass and Scotch broom!

All ages welcome!

Meet at the Marine Science Museum (Discover Pass required)

Bring: Shovels, pitchforks, gloves, hand tools (small shovels, weeders, clippers), water. Tools also available to borrow!

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Work Party!

Work Party!

This Tuesday, Jan 14, 9:30 am, we will continue work on clearing the blackberry and vines from behind the Cable House Canteen in Fort Worden. We need help loading the truck and clearing vines, canes and brush.

Bring heavy gloves, hand clippers, loppers, you got 'em.

Discover Pass required. Park in the lot across from the pier.

It's amazing how different that area looks now. Thank you all for your hard work!

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Work Party!

Work Party!

We’ll meet at 9:30, across the road from the Marine Science Center Pier (Discover Pass required) and work no later than noon.

We’re clearing some of the blackberry and ivy at the base of the bluff. Compared to most of the work we've done on these two species this work will be relatively easy. We will clear access to blackberry and ivy that will be removed by a contractor later this winter. 

Please bring stout, blackberry-resistant work gloves, clippers and/or loppers.

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Rhody-OH! Work Party!

Rhody-OH! Work Party!

Tues, Dec 3 Rhody Garden Work Party! This will be an intimate little gathering to clean up fallen fir branches from the recent winds. 

 9:30 am to whenever. Bring a rake it you have one.

 Big Red (the truck) will be on hand for photo ops and hauling.

Hope to see you!

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Work Party November 23

Work Party November 23

We’ll meet at 9:00, at the Artillery Hill gate (Discover Pass required), then walk to the work area. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water and a hat (could be a sunny location)

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Work Party October 28-31
to Oct 31

Work Party October 28-31

  • Friends of Fort Worden State Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Stella Waxwing and a Washington Conservation Corps crew to continue the battle against non-native dune grass and to help plant native sand verbena at Point Wilson. These folks start early and work all day. Fortunately for the rest of us, this means we can show up any time during normal business hours and stay as long as we like.

Park at Knapp Circle, the Lighthouse or the Hangar Pads. Discover Pass required. Look for young people working in the area. Bring a stout garden fork, shovel or spade, gloves, water, etc.  Have fun!

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Work Party October 26

Work Party October 26

We will join WA Native Plant Society removing non-native dune grass.

Meet at 9:30 at the restrooms on the right, heading to the Lighthouse. Park on the old hangar pads across the road. Discover Pass required. 

Bring a stout garden fork, shovel or spade (small devices like trowels and hori horis don’t go deep enough), gloves, water, etc.

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Work Party October 1

Work Party October 1

We’ll meet at 9:00, at the Artillery Hill gate (Discover Pass required), then walk to the work area. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water and a hat (could be a sunny location)

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Work Party September 21

Work Party September 21

We’ll meet at 9:00, at the Artillery Hill gate (Discover Pass required), then walk to the work area. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water and a hat (could be a sunny location)

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Work Party September 3

Work Party September 3

We’ll meet at 9:00, at the Artillery Hill gate (Discover Pass required), then walk to the work area. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water and a hat (could be a sunny location)

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Work Party August 17

Work Party August 17

We’ll meet at 9:00, at the Artillery Hill gate (Discover Pass required), then walk to the work area. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water and a hat (could be a sunny location)

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Work Party August 6

Work Party August 6

We’ll meet at 9:00, at the Artillery Hill gate (Discover Pass required), then walk to the work area. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water and a hat (could be a sunny location)

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Work Party July 13

Work Party July 13

We’ll meet at 9:00, at the Artillery Hill gate (Discover Pass required), then walk to the work area. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water and a hat (could be a sunny location)

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Work Party July 2

Work Party July 2

We’ll meet at 9:00, at the Artillery Hill gate (Discover Pass required), then walk to the work area. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water and a hat (could be a sunny location)

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Work Party June 29

Work Party June 29

We’ll meet at 9:00, at the Artillery Hill gate (Discover Pass required), then walk to the work area. Work will stop no later than noon, or whenever you wish to stop. No pressure.

Bring: Loppers, gloves, water and a hat (could be a sunny location)

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Scotch Broom Wipeout

Scotch Broom Wipeout

Scotch Broom Party Saturday, June 15, 9:30-noon

Meet at Artillery Hill Gate for coffee at 9 a.m.

The Scotch Broom is in full flower and this year's growth promises a huge crop of seeds. One of the largest concentrations of broom at Fort Worden is at the mortar batteries on top of Artillery Hill.

On Saturday, June 15, 9:30-12:00, we will cut as much of this broom as possible.

Coffee and cookies in the parking area next to Artillery Hill Gate (Discover Pass required) from 9-9:30. Please bring loppers, gloves, water. We will have extra loppers available.

Two vehicles will have room for a few riders and all of the tools but you should be prepared to walk. The easiest route to the work area, IMHO, is via Command Post Rd where the red one ton truck will be parked. See the park map for this location.

Hope you can join us!

Cheers, Will Barrett

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Rhody Dead-Head Party!

Rhody Dead-Head Party!

Rhody Dead-Head Party! Tuesday, June 11 and Friday, June 14, 9:30 to noon.

Join us to dead-head, prune and rake the Fort Worden Rhody Garden, which is in glorious bloom.

The “Dead-Head Parties" (not the tie-dye t-shirt kind) are enjoyable gatherings. The tasks are easy and meditative and require no special skills. Rhody volunteer(s) will be on hand to assist and offer pointers if you’re new to the world of Rhodies.

Where: The Fort Worden Rhododendron Garden just west of the Fort’s entrance. Pull around the Wheeler Theater to park at the garden or park across the street next to the Guardhouse Cafe.

When: Tuesday, June 11th & Friday June 14th

9:30 a.m. until whenever or however long you can stay (plan on about 1/2 hour for orientation and training).

Once you are versed on what to do, you can volunteer at the garden anytime, for as long as you wish, alone or with friends.

What to bring: a grass rake

a standard hand pruner (small branches)

a hand pruner with a pointed tip (great for dead-heading)

a bucket


If you lack any or all, there will be a few extras on hand.

Questions?: please contact Donald Mazzola at or 360.344.2946.

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Rhody Dead-Head Party

Rhody Dead-Head Party

Rhody Dead-Head Party! Tuesday, June 11 and Friday, June 14, 9:30 to noon.

Join us to dead-head, prune and rake the Fort Worden Rhody Garden, which is in glorious bloom.

The “Dead-Head Parties" (not the tie-dye t-shirt kind) are enjoyable gatherings. The tasks are easy and meditative and require no special skills. Rhody volunteer(s) will be on hand to assist and offer pointers if you’re new to the world of Rhodies.

Where: The Fort Worden Rhododendron Garden just west of the Fort’s entrance. Pull around the Wheeler Theater to park at the garden or park across the street next to the Guardhouse Cafe.

When: Tuesday, June 11th & Friday June 14th

9:30 a.m. until whenever or however long you can stay (plan on about 1/2 hour for orientation and training).

Once you are versed on what to do, you can volunteer at the garden anytime, for as long as you wish, alone or with friends.

What to bring: a grass rake

a standard hand pruner (small branches)

a hand pruner with a pointed tip (great for dead-heading)

a bucket


If you lack any or all, there will be a few extras on hand.

Questions?: please contact Donald Mazzola at or 360.344.2946.

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Fort Worden State Park BioBlitz June 8!

Fort Worden State Park BioBlitz June 8!

  • Friends of Fort Worden State Park Kitchen Shelter (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fort Worden State Park BioBlitz June 8! Fort Worden is counting on YOU to help document the diverse range of life within the park Saturday, June 8, dawn to dusk! You’ll need an iNaturalist account and a camera or smart phone, so you can upload pictures of observations through the iNaturalist app or website.

By uncovering the diverse range of life within the park, we can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for its ecology. Washington State Parks is hosting this event to promote nature exploration, discovery, citizen science, and conservation amongst park visitors. For more information, and to follow the count down, visit:

Need help getting started? Join us at the Kitchen Shelter down a bit from the Marine Science Center, where volunteers will provide orientation to the park, assistance with getting started, and help with identification of organisms.

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Friends of Fort Worden Annual Gala and Fundraiser

Friends of Fort Worden Annual Gala and Fundraiser

Please mark your calendar for Friday, April 12 at 5:00 pm in the Commons, Fort Worden to help us celebrate another year of supporting Fort Worden State Park! We are pleased to have Author, Street Smart Naturalist, and Geoduck Enthusiast David B. Williams as our special guest for the evening. David will be presenting a fascinating and hopeful narrative of the intersection between the people and places of our beloved Puget Sound from the Ice Age to the present.
- Delectable appetizers and cash bar (beer and wine) - Gloves and work boots optional :-)

Are you coming to our annual celebration? RSVP HERE

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Scotch Broom Old School!

Scotch Broom Old School!

Some of you regular scotch broom pickers must miss working on the older, larger plants, right? Well, here's an offer you might like.

Saturday, Feb 17, 9:30 am, meet at the Artillery Hill parking area (Discover Passs required).

We will walk to the Glamping area to tackle some larger broom as well as the small stuff.

Bring gloves and a lopper. We will have extra loppers.

Hope to see you there!

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Scotch Broom & Blackberry Work Party

Scotch Broom & Blackberry Work Party

Join our Scotch broom and blackberry work party this Saturday, February 3rd.

Meet at the parking area near Artillery Hill Gate, Discover Pass required

9-9:30 Coffee and snacks

9:30 to 12:00 Work!

We’ll be working on two tasks:

  • Scotch broom removal - bring gloves, loppers and small shovels if you have them. Friends will provide the rest.

  • Blackberry removal - You’ll need puncture proof gloves, safety goggles and long, heavy sleeves. 

Love to see you!

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MORE Dune Grass Removal Work Party!

MORE Dune Grass Removal Work Party!

State Parks ecology specialist Stella Waxwing invites you to join her and a Washington Conservation Corps crew working on the dune grass and other invasive species located "inside" Knapp Circle. This crew will be working there all day Mon -Thurs.

 Volunteers are invited to join this rewarding project at any time between 9am-4pm. Parking available near the Lighthouse or on the paved  "hangar pads" located between the Beach Campground and Harbor Defense Way. The entrance is just past the bath house (Building 602) located on the right past the Kitchen Shelter. Discover Pass required. Walk toward the Lighthouse. You can't miss the worksite.

Bring your trusty garden fork or shovel.

Stella has been working on this area for a couple of years and, for those paying attention to this area, the results are dramatic!

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Dune Grass Removal Work Party

Dune Grass Removal Work Party

Jan 29. Monday through Feb 1, Thursday. 9:00am. State Parks ecology specialist Stella Waxwing will be leading a Washington Conservation Corps crew working on the dune grass and other invasive species located "inside" Knapp Circle. This crew will be working there all day Mon -Thurs.

 Volunteers are invited to join this rewarding project at any time between 9am-4pm. Parking available near the Lighthouse or on the paved  "hangar pads" located between the Beach Campground and Harbor Defense Way. The entrance is just past the bath house (Building 602) located on the right past the Kitchen Shelter. Discover Pass required. Walk toward the Lighthouse. You can't miss the worksite.

Bring your trusty garden fork or shovel.

Stella has been working on this area for a couple of years and, for those paying attention to this area, the results are dramatic!

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Dune Grass Removal

Dune Grass Removal

Jan 29. Monday through Feb 1, Thursday. 9:00am. State Parks ecology specialist Stella Waxwing will be leading a WCC crew working on the dune grass and other invasive species located "inside" Knapp Circle. This crew will be working there all day Mon -Thurs.

 Volunteers are invited to join this rewarding project at any time between 9am-4pm. Parking available near the Lighthouse or on the paved  "hangar pads" located between the Beach Campground and Harbor Defense Way. The entrance is just past the bath house (Building 602) located on the right past the Kitchen Shelter. Discover Pass required. Walk toward the Lighthouse. You can't miss the worksite.

This will be a continuation of the MLK Day work, just in a different part of Pt Wilson. So bring your trusty garden fork or shovel.

Stella has been working on this area for a couple of years and, for those paying attention to this area, the results are dramatic.

Hope you can make it to one, some, or all of these parties. Your work makes a difference!

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Beachgrass Pull

Beachgrass Pull

We've rescheduled the MLK Day of Service Beachgrass Pull!

Join the PT Marine Science Center and help restore the Salish Sea shoreline habitat for native plants and animals by pulling out invasive beachgrass.

All ages are welcome!

Meet at the PTMSC Museum portico in Fort Worden State Park.

Bring work gloves if you want them, and make sure to dress for the weather!
We have limited tools, so please bring your own shovels of pitchforks if you have them.
Snacks will be provided!

RSVPs are appreciated! Go to

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