Join us for an evening of Fun, Food, and FRIENDship to celebrate the Friends of Fort Worden’s 30th Birthday Party! As a special treat, Northwest birding icon Dennis Paulson will fascinate us with a presentation on the seabirds of Admiralty Inlet.
The annual gathering, our first since 2019, will highlight the Friends’ achievements, acknowledge our incredible volunteers, and feature Dennis Paulson’s presentation on the seabirds of Admiralty Inlet. The inlet, which serves as the entrance to Puget Sound and begins near Point Wilson, has long been known as a rich area for seabirds. As the current flows in and out through the inlet, it creates upwellings of nutrients and leads to a complex food web of invertebrates and fishes. Birds of all kinds take advantage of this, and Dennis will talk about these birds and what they are doing here.
Delectable appetizers and cash bar (beer and wine)
Fort Wordens Commons