The next work party will happen on Saturday, Feb 12, 9:30-noon. We will be pulling out invasive dune grass, Ammophila arenaria, on the south side of Pt Wilson.
Easiest access is to drive toward the Lighthouse, take a left just past the bathhouse, Building 602, which is on the right as one drives to the Lighthouse, beyond the Kitchen Shelter. Park on one of the hangar pads and please note that one must have a Discover Pass to park in this area. We will set up coffee and snacks at 9:00 am on the middle of the three hangar pads.
The best way to get to the work site from the hanger pad is to go east across the road at Building 602, take the trail to the beach, hang a left and walk until you are about 1/2 way between the trail junction and the Lighthouse.
The best tools to bring for uprooting the dune grass are a stout garden fork or round-nose shovel - hand trowels and hori-hori knives are too short.
If you have not worked in the dunes of Pt Wilson yet you are in for a treat. Please join us!